
Rates & Policies | Application | Credit Card | Bank Transfer | Pay Onsite

Registration Rates

Registration Types
Advance Rate
by 21 February 2025

Registration is now open
Delegates (in-person) $425.00 USD HEC2025 Delegates Oral, Poster and Audience Registration (attending in-person)
Delegates (virtual) $220.00 USD HEC2025 Delegates Virtual Presenter and Virtual Audience Registration (online only)
Students (in-person)* $315.00 USD HEC2025 Student Oral, Poster and Audience Registration (attending in-person)
Students (virtual)* $120.00 USD HEC2025 Student Virtual Presenter and Virtual Audience  Registration (online only)
*Graduate students: rules and conditions will apply

Delegate Rates

Early Rate
has ended
Advanced Rate
by 21 February 2025
Regular Rate
Presenters (in person)
$425.00 USD $475.00 USD
Virtual (online) $220.00 USD $285.00 USD
Students Early Advanced Regular
Presenters (in person)
$315.00 USD $350.00 USD
Virtual (online) $120.00 USD $130.00 USD

Registration Policies

  1. Only accepted presenters and registration applicants will be permitted to register.
  2. Registration by PayPal should be finalized by midnight, Hawaii Standard Time (HST)
  3. Registration for onsite presentation includes an invitation to the welcome reception.
  4. Onsite participants will receive a printed copy of the Schedule, Receipt and a Certificate.
  5. Virtual presenters and audience will receive a PDF receipt and certificate of participation.
  6. Virtual presenter and audience rates are the same for delegates and graduate students.
  7. The HEC2025 e-Proceedings will be sent on May 15, 2025.
  8. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided during the afternoon sessions.
  9. Request for refunds must be received by midnight on Friday, January 17, 2025.
  10. The registration does not oblige the organizers to provide visa support.
  11. Registration does not include transportation, accommodation and meals.
  12. Abstracts are peer-reviewed and included in the proceedings. Full papers are optional.
  13. Students must show proof in advance and the mode of presentation may be limited, please see our Common Questions page for details.
  14. For additional information on registration payment and cancellation policies, please see our Common Questions page for details.
  15. Single-day and multi-day reduced or discount registration rates are not available.

Registration Application Form

After filling out the application, scroll to the bottom and click “Submit”. After submitting, please return to the top of this page and make your registration payment. Click on the button below:

HEC 2025 Registration Form

Registration Payment Methods

Register by Credit Card

Registration by credit card is available via PayPal. If someone else is paying on your behalf, please inform the Secretariat. Registrants will receive three receipts: (1) an automatic receipt from PayPal; (2) an E-mail payment confirmation from the event; and (3) a hard copy receipt at the event.

If a delegate is unable to attend HEC2025, the delegate may cancel their registration and receive a full refund, less a 20% administration fee, up to the cancellation deadline (January 17, 2025). After the cancellation deadline, INTESDA will not refund the registration fee if the delegate cancels or fails to attend. Please note that refunds may take up to two weeks to process from the date of the request.

Register by Bank Transfer

We permit registration by domestic and international bank transfer. Please note the following rules and conditions:

International Bank Transfer

  1. Bank transfer information will be posted shortly.
  2. Kindly inform us if another person or organization will pay on your behalf.
  3. Transfers may take several days to confirm receipt of your payment.
  4. Contact us to receive the bank information.
  5. Bank transfer cancellation policy:  delegates may cancel their registration and receive a full refund, less a 20% administration fee, up to the cancellation deadline (January 17, 2025). After the cancellation deadline, INTESDA will not refund the registration fee if the delegate cancels or fails to attend. Please note that refunds by bank transfer may take up to two to three weeks to process from the date of the request.

Register Onsite

Onsite payment is permitted on a case-by-case basis. Please note the following conditions:

  1. Advance approval from the Program Committee is required.
  2. The onsite fee amount is $500.00 USD regardless of when you submitted your request.
  3. Payment by credit cards or other foreign currency is not permitted.
  4. Additional rules and conditions may apply.
  5. No refunds will be issued for onsite registration fee cancellations.

Invitation Letters

  1. How can I know if I need a visa for travel?
    Contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate of the USA for details.
  2. What visa support is provided by the organizers?
    Detailed information is provided on our Travel page.
  3. What if my visa application is rejected?
    All US Embassy decisions are final. No assistance will be given if your application is rejected.

Contact Us

For questions regarding registration, refunds, bank transfers and onsite payment please direct your email to USA2025.secretariat (@)