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The Journey of Sustainable Development: 2023 onwards

Takayuki Yamada, INTESDA Chairperson

Dear Friends,

By many authorities, the concept of sustainable development began in the late 20th century. It was the United Nations, however, that brought the importance of this effort to the global stage in the year 2000 with the launch of the Millennium Development Goals. As momentum built, the original eight MDGs were expanded significantly with the creation of the SDGs that communities and schools around the world have embraced since their undertaking in 2015.   The Sustainable Development Goals are carrying on the important efforts that had been initiated in 2000 with the Millennium Development Goals. Closer to home, at INTESDA, our work has only just begun, though, and the road ahead needs our continued support and efforts to raise awareness and improve the lives of people around the world. Our mission remains steadfastly that success will only be possible through ‘unity in community.’

On that note, it is our pleasure to endorse the Summit of the Future in 2024, which was recently released through the Common Agenda of the United Nations.  The short version is pasted below; however, for data and details, we suggest that you visit

Thank you all for your support.

Yours most sincerely,

Takayuki Yamada
INTESDA, Founder and Chairperson


The Basis of the Summit

The 75th Anniversary of the United Nations was marked in June 2020 with a declaration by Member States that included 12 overarching commitments along with a request to the Secretary-General for recommendations to address both current and future challenges. In September 2021, the Secretary-General responded with his report, Our Common Agenda, a wake-up call to speed up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and propel the commitments contained in the UN75 Declaration. In some cases, the proposals addressed gaps that emerged since 2015, requiring new intergovernmental agreements. The report, therefore, called for a Summit of the Future to forge a new global consensus on readying ourselves for a future that is rife with risks but also opportunities. The General Assembly welcomed the submission of the “rich and substantive” report and agreed to hold the Summit on 22-23 September 2024, preceded by a ministerial meeting in 2023. An action-oriented Pact for the Future is expected to be agreed by Member States through intergovernmental negotiations on issues they decide to take forward.